
Research Article

Alternate day outpatient hemodialysis schedule is the appropriate practical alternative schedule to improve patients’ outcomes

Nasrulla Abutaleb*

Published: 27 June, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 2 | Pages: 107-110

The rise in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality and hospitalization rates among the hemodialysis (HD) patients after the long weekly inter-dialysis interval is very impressive. In fact, there is an additional long-term morbidity risk besides this acute rise in mortality and hospitalizations that can be expected from the weakly exaggerated pre-dialysis peaks of the less risky hemodynamic and biochemical parameters. An approach for eliminating these long weekend inter-dialysis intervals is through the provision of the hemodialysis sessions on every other day (EOD) basis, regardless of the week days. This is likely to be both practical and cost-effective. Such EOD schedule can be introduced easily beside the ongoing thrice weekly HD schedule without disturbance of the HD unit work. The availability of EOD schedule would provide a healthier and cost-effective alternative schedule for those patients who can’t tolerate the weekend intervals and for those looking for maintaining their long-term health on the option of hemodialysis. In fact, with available data, medical staff is expected to encourage all patients to shift their HD to the EOD schedule.

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